No school is likely to do everything right, all the time. At Rodney College we take the view that if people have concerns, they should express them without hesitation or fear. We believe that only by hearing from people, can we hope to continually improve the service we provide.
So, it may be that you wish to lodge some form of complaint or register some concern. Parents/community members can do this in a variety of ways. Often much will depend on the nature of the complaint.
Here are some options:
By phone
Phone the school and talk to the receptionist, explain the problem and ask to be put through to the appropriate person.
Phone and ask to speak with your son/daughter’s Year Level Dean. The Year Level Dean is the person who will know your son/daughter well and who has overall responsibility for his/her welfare. You can leave a message on the Year Level Dean’s phone. Please do not expect an instant response as the Year Level Deans have teaching load and can be busy working with students.
Year Level Deans
Year 9 Ms Lisa Te Haara
Year 10 Mr Wiremu Ngatipa
Year 11 Mr Michael Kingi
Year 12 Mr Steve Davie-Martin
Phone and ask to speak with a particular teacher. This is not easy, and it may be some time before you obtain a response. The teacher is likely to be teaching.
Phone and ask for one of the Deputy Principals; generally, you will want to discuss serious matters with these people. You can leave messages on their phones.
Phone and ask for the Principal. You are likely to talk with Mrs Jo Warahi, the Principal’s Assistant, who will ensure that you are put through as necessary.
In Writing
When speaking with any of the above, they will ask you to put the complaint in writing, dated and signed, if the issue is serious. You can also write directly to any of the above people and this is our preferred approach. A complaint that is written will minimize misinterpretation.
Serious matters can be directed to the Board of Trustees, via the Principal, in writing, in a satisfactory manner. The Board of Trustees is not likely to act on an operational matter, unless the Principal has first been contacted.
In cases of complaint against the Principal a formal written complaint may be made to the Board of Trustees Chairperson in the first instance.
No Response or Inadequate Response
We hope very much that you do get responses which are appropriate. We pride ourselves. On being open and responsive. However, sometimes things do not work out.
If you phone or write and then get no response, (eg phone calls not answered, letters not replied to) please write directly to the Principal. If the problem lies with Principal, write to the Board of Trustee Chairperson.
If you get an inadequate response, please try again and explain why you think the response was inadequate. Do not give up!!