Student notices are very important as Mrs Wright is constantly sending out information through them to help you, make sure you read them. Remember you can pop into Mrs Wright in the Careers Office to make an appointment or you can call her on 09 423 6030 Ext 237.
Discover the new social platform for school leavers - Youth Hub, it connects youth, educators, service providers and businesses to inspire and support students as they transition from school to further training and employment.
Click on and sign in.
You apply on line for admission to degree programmes. Check online after 1 August to see if the link has been activated on the website of the provider/s you are applying for. Be aware of the closing dates and special requirements for some programmes - eg. portfolios, interviews, auditions.
Mrs Wright organises the universities to visit during Term 3 to help you choose the papers for you programmes of study. Please make sue you take advantage of the advice they five. The dates for these visits are on the study room wall and in the school calendar and daily notices.
University of Auckland have produced this information about prerequisites for their courses. This may help for subject planning in Year 13 - 2025 Subject Guide for School Students
Halls of Residence applications generally open online 1 August. There is competition for places in some halls so be prepared to have alternative options including a 2nd/3rd choice University. Your Common Confidential reference form will be sent to Mrs Wright when you enrol.
All universities have pages online with info about applying for accommodation. For example here is a link to Victoria University - click here
Auckland University Scholarships
Waikato University Scholarships
Canterbury University Scholarships
Victoria University Scholarships
Lincoln University Scholarships
Academic Excellence Scholarships